Project 52 – Week Fifteen: ‘Woods’

Taken in Rocky Mountain National Park in CO, this was the perfect capture for ‘Woods’.

I love this tree!  We have some Aspen on the way up to Canada, and I always mean to stop and take some photographs each season, but then never seem to get around to it when the kids are in the car with me 🙂

Week 15_Woods

Letter to my Son – May 2013

Dear Son,

You are really exerting your independence lately.  ‘No’ is a word we tend to hear often 😉  You like to try and do things by yourself, take the stool and reach for your own water, walk ahead of everyone and peel your own banana.  But even though you are pretty set in your ways right now, you still like to come around for some giant bear hugs.

You are starting to talk more conversationally now.  Stringing works together for short sentences. Like how you heard the loud truck outside, or saw the black birdie on the deck.

The weather is also getting warmer now, so we have been outside as much as possible.  We’ll go for walks around the block or plant flowers together or just run around the backyard. This is going to be a really fun summer.

Follow your dreams, they know the way.”
— Unknown author





I am excited to be a part of “letters to our children” blog circle with other photographers and moms. We write monthly letters in honor of our children and hope you enjoy reading them with us. Please head over to my friend Jenn Burnett,‘s blog for her monthly letter to her son.

Letter to my Daughter – May 2013

Dear Daughter,

This month we’ve been taking advantage of the warmer weather.   We planted some tomato seeds and will watch them grow until we can pick them later this summer.  You also had your first Gymnastics “show”.  Your grandparents came to watch you do your routine.

Some of your favorites this month are:

  • Wearing skirts and dresses
  • Going for Walks
  • Gymnastics
  • Mini Corn Dogs

Fall seven times, stand up eight.”
— Japanese Saying






I am excited to be a part of “letters to our children” blog circle with other photographers and moms. We write monthly letters in honor of our children and hope you enjoy reading them with us. Please head over to my friend, Joanne Wagner‘s blog for her monthly letter to her son.

Kids Were Here | May 2013

The ‘Kids Were Here Project’ was inspired by Ketti Photography. To document the everyday. Evidence of my kids’ true personalities, their ideas, their mistakes, their messes and their fun. Everything they left behind. If you listen closely, you can still hear the laughter, see the smiles and imagine what they were thinking before they left what was now this image.

One Thursday I told my daughter we were going to visit Grandma and Grandpa on the weekend. On that Friday morning I woke up to her selecting her outfits for the trip. Later, during breakfast, I heard her in my Son’s room. I peeked in on her and she’d also picked out his outfits as well as some swimmer diapers 🙂
She did a pretty good job of coordinating 🙂


For more ‘Kids Were Here‘ check out my friend Christina Guzman‘s blog!